Sunday, November 09, 2008

Salt Lake City, Utah

Octubre, 2008

I had a tour during October. It started in Utah. The Conference was organized by SACNAS (Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans for Science). I am not Chicana or Native American. I am very Mexican instead!! I believe SACNAS is working on adding "latinamericans" into the main characteristics of the Society. Together with my adviser, and two atmospheric scientist, I gave a talk about my work at the North Pole. I got very good feedback. Most of the audience consisted of undergrad science students, none of them oceanographers though. It was a great experience. I had the lowest expectations about Utah, specially because the horrible NBA team, Jazz, is nothing close to my favorite team.... yes it pretty much sucks. If I was a hater, I would hate that team. Badly. Well, turns out that at least Salt Lake City, capital of Utah is a very pretty place. Maybe it became pretty when Stockton, Malone and Hornacek left the bball team. Here I show some pictures I took during this conference, which also turned out to be a great conference.

The day I arrived to Salt Lake City, I walked around to explore the area. I ran into Pioneer park (below), with a big sign very badly translated to Spanish. The most interesting thing is that in that park I saw more drugged people than I imagined I would ever see together. I had to pretty much ran out from the park for my own good. They obeyed the sign though, they were just doing crack, heroine and who knows what else. How do I know? They offered me some. And I said "no, thanks".

Entrada al parque Pioneer. No sé quién habrá traducido al español el letrero, pero parece que se esforzaron por hacerlo mal. Luego me ofrecieron drogas. Ojo! Les dije que no. Y luego fui a contárselo a quien más confianza le tenía.

Americanos nativos (ese nombre es lo politicamente correcto?) dando show durante la conferencia de SACNAS. Muy impresionante. Los aros no estaban unidos.

Templo mormón. Interesante. Fui a escuchar al coro semanal que transmite en vivo en radio y televisión en el canal mormón. Son tan mormones que han de tener su propio canal. El coro fue impresionante. Las niñas de blanco a la izquierda. Los niños de negro a la derecha. La orquesta al frente y el público y yo calladitos. No entendí nada de lo que cantaban, pero en verdad lo hicieron muy bien.
En el templo mormón.
Otra del templo. Ah, sí, nevó bastante durante los últimos dos días que estuve ahí.

Yo presentando. Estaba de pie. En serio. Solo que estoy chaparra y el podium me quedó grande.

Increíble toma de Mount Rainier desde nuestro vuelo de vuelta a Seattle.
Foto cortesía de Yogesh (SACNAS-UW).

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